Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fun with David!

The last couple weeks were spent learning all about author and illustrator David Shannon. We had so much fun reading his hilarious books! His books about David especially made us laugh. We were so inspired by all David's rule breaking, we just HAD to create videos to show David what the rules really are!  Check out our first videos of the year. The kids did all the writing, directing, acting, and camera work for these projects :)

Miss Nelson's Class Video:

Mrs. Hayes' Class Video:

David Shannon also inspired our artist side! We just love the characters he creates!  We made David and used his teeth to show number bonds, and we recreated our favorite David Shannon character with our paints.  We can't wait to see how our next author will inspire us!

Friday, August 28, 2015

1st Grade is Busy!

We have been keeping so busy this week!!  We've really gotten into our reading and writing workshops with LOTS of practice!  Ask us and we can tell you how we are working to become stronger readers and writers!

We also started our book selections this week, tried out the iPads, had a visitor, and started book buddies!!  We shared our favorite Pete the Cat book with our 3rd grade buddy and then had POPSICLES! YUM! We are so excited for book buddies all year!

Check out some of our pictures and sing along with our fluency song of the week:

Friday, August 21, 2015

Back to School!

Whew! We made it through our first week in first grade!! It was so great! We just know this will be an AWESOME year!

We had fun meeting our new classmates and reviewing what we learned in kindergarten!

We kicked off our fluency songs this week with the Beach Boys Be True to Your School.

Flexing our writing muscles in writing workshop! 

We made Pete's jacket with the 4 groovy buttons... yum!
Right before this picture Rowan said, "This is the best day ever!"

Extra recess fun :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Last Days of School 2015

The last days of school were jam packed with so much fun!  We had such a wonderful year together and we definitely ended with a BANG! We had a 1st grade picnic and party at the park, a school cookout, a writing celebration with the first graders from Horace Mann Elementary, the school talent show, a trip to the library to sign up for summer reading, and a trip to DQ!  Whew!!

Check out some photos from our fun days!

Here is a video of our talent show dress rehearsal in case you missed the performance!

Have a great summer!! See you all in the fall :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Zoo Field Trip 2015

We had such a blast at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo yesterday! Thank you so much to all the chaperones that joined us!

Here are a few pictures from our fun day :)

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Field Day 2015

Yesterday we had our field day and it was so much fun!!

First we made visors, then we spent the afternoon having a blast at the different stations!

Check out some of our pictures:

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Gearing Up for Spring Break

The week before spring break was BUSY in first grade!!

We started our geometry unit in math and had so much fun creating composite shapes.

Tuesday we had a reading log party for all the 1st graders that completed their reading log for the 3rd quarter. We had 22 students participate!! They all got to decorate their own cupcakes. Yum!

Wednesday we invited our families in to hear our open mic poetry reading. We worked so hard on our poems and we had so much fun sharing them!

Thursday we had our Lion King fluency party! We've been improving our fluency all year by reading books, poems, and singing songs. We had a party to celebrate our fluency successes; complete with lyrics books, snacks, and of course The Lion King movie!

Check out some pictures from our jam-packed week!