Friday, September 27, 2013

Officer Hayes Visits

We have been learning about community rules and laws in social studies. Today, Officer Hayes from the Lakewood Police Department visited our classroom to talk to us more about it. We learned so much!

We know that the police officers in our community are our friends, and we wanted Officer Hayes to know it too! So we sang our fluency song You've Got A Friend In Me to him! 

Officer Hayes Visits from Jackie Nelson on Vimeo.

After learning so much from him, Officer Hayes gave us our own Lakewood Police badges!!
We are so excited to wear them and set a good example in our community!

THANK YOU for visiting us, Officer Hayes!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Here Comes the Sun

We have spent quite a bit of time in our classroom learning about the sun!

Check out the suns we made along with some sun facts in the video below:

We even sang Here Comes the Sun by The Beatles for our fluency song this week.

Here we are, singing this song and practicing our accuracy, expression, rate, and smoothness (you'll probably notice many of us scooping the words as we read along)!

Here Comes The Sun Fluency Song from Jackie Nelson on Vimeo.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Xtra-Math Practice

We have been working hard on our math fact fluency!  We recently started using the Xtra Math website  at school and can also access it from home! 

Look for the Xtra Math sign in codes coming home tonight, then help us log on to continue improving our math fact fluency! 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Next Kevin Henkes Masterpiece

This week, we read a bunch of books by one of our favorite authors... Kevin Henkes!

Kevin Henkes is the author and illustrator of lots of books!  For many of his books he uses mice characters, and we just love them!

Here are the mice we met this week:

Ask us about the books these characters star in!

We were so inspired by Kevin Henkes and his mice that we decided to make our own mice characters that could star in the next book!  Check out our masterpieces below:

Friday, September 13, 2013

We Love Our Netbooks... When They Work!

Our netbooks are finally fixed!

We had a great time learning how to use these computers today! 

Unfortunately we had some technical difficulties and weren't able to play our games. BUT we can play these games from home!

Click here to visit our classroom website that has lots of fun games that we can play!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Cold Treat for a Hot Day!

We want to send out a big THANK YOU to Georgia's mom for thinking of our class on this hot day and sending in a Popsicle treat to cool down our afternoon!


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Grant School Rules

We spend a lot of time learning about school rules in 1st grade! We have just finished up our social studies unit on different rules and laws and on why rules are important.
Check out the short video below about our Grant School Rules.
This was completely done by the students, from casting, to narrating, to video recording!

Our First Friend: Pete the Cat

First grade has just begun and we were so excited to jump right into learning!  We spent a lot of time reading the Pete the Cat books by Eric Litwin and James Dean this week.

We absolutely loved meeting this cool cat!  He has a great attitude and is tons of fun!
Pete helped us review a lot of our kindergarten skills, but our favorite part of the week was our Friday celebration!
We made our own Petes using basic shapes and got to have a Pete Parade with Mrs. Hayes' class!

Then we went on our own Pete adventure... with a snack!  In the book, Pete the Cat, I Love My White Shoes, Pete stepped in strawberries, blueberries, and mud!! Our adventure was much more yummy, but just as messy!