Friday, April 25, 2014

Series Writing

This quarter in writing, we have been very busy writing our own series books! All of our books have the same main characters, and they go through different adventures in each story.

We decorated cereal boxes to store our series books in, and then we invited Ms. Keane's kindergarten class to come listen to our stories and check out how hard we have been working in first grade!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Henry and Mudge

In first grade lately we have been writing realistic fiction stories. We've developed creative characters, and are learning how to use those characters in more than book, and turn our writing into a series!

To help us learn about series books, we have been reading a lot of Henry and Mudge books, by Cynthia Rylant! We love Henry and Mudge books because they make us laugh with the silly things the characters do.

To show our appreciate and love of these characters, we created our own Mudge puppets! We even included a lot of different describing words that we think fit Mudge. We think Mudge is cute, silly, huge, adorable, happy, and slobbery!

Check out our adorable craft! We would really like to thank Mrs. Kerney for helping us construct our Mudge puppets!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Science in Motion!

Recently, we have been learning about the way objects move! We learned that objects can only move when a push or pull is applied to it. We've also learned that objects can move along the path they travel; they can move in a circular motion, back and forth, straight, or in a zigzag.

We spent some time working in science stations, experimenting with the ways that objects move. Check out what we've done!

When we blew on the pinwheel, it moved in a circular motion!

When we pushed the ball on the Lego track, it moved along the zigzag path!

When we pushed the little sheep toy, it swung back and forth!

And when we pushed the car down the ramp, it went straight on the carpet!

We enjoyed recording our observations and drawing pictures of the experiments we did!