Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Last Days of School 2015

The last days of school were jam packed with so much fun!  We had such a wonderful year together and we definitely ended with a BANG! We had a 1st grade picnic and party at the park, a school cookout, a writing celebration with the first graders from Horace Mann Elementary, the school talent show, a trip to the library to sign up for summer reading, and a trip to DQ!  Whew!!

Check out some photos from our fun days!

Here is a video of our talent show dress rehearsal in case you missed the performance!

Have a great summer!! See you all in the fall :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Zoo Field Trip 2015

We had such a blast at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo yesterday! Thank you so much to all the chaperones that joined us!

Here are a few pictures from our fun day :)