We have had so much fun learning about how children lived long ago!
We've learned how different everything was long ago compared to today. We can't believe their schools, clothes, food and money! We know we work hard at school, but long ago children REALLY had to WORK!
We thought it would be fun to act like Pilgrim children in our own class, so we started by getting some wampum (these were shells that Native Americans and Pilgrims used as currency). Then, we worked in collaborative groups to write a recipe for trail mix that we could afford to buy (using our wampum) from the general store. After we came up with our delicious recipes, we visited the store to buy the supplies and worked together to make it!
We used the rest of our wampum to make necklaces that we could wear during our 1st grade feast!

Of course we had to make hats to really look like Pilgrim children, too!
Now we were ready to invite the other 1st grade classes over to share in our feast and celebrate Thanksgiving. We all shared what we were thankful for, then our class along with Mrs. Hayes' class shared our fun Thanksgiving fluency song of the week, Turkey Tom!
Turkey Tom from Jackie Nelson on Vimeo.
Then we enjoyed a great story while we snacked on our homemade trail mix!

It was such a fantastic way to start our Thanksgiving break!!