Thursday, January 16, 2014

It's Time To Celebrate!

Today was a day full of celebrations!
We kicked off this morning by celebrating all of our writing successes this quarter!  Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. Cintron's class joined us and we got into small groups to read our teaching books to each other. Everyone's books were so great!  We have experts on all different topics in our classes!


After we shared our teaching books, we shared a fun snack!  In our groups we made our own hungry caterpillars out of Rolos and M&Ms!  They turned out so cute... but that didn't stop us from eating them up! YUM!

After our writing celebration, we were on our way to Playhouse Square to see The Very Hungry Caterpillar and other Eric Carle Favorites!  

We couldn't wait for it to start!

The performance was outstanding!!  

After the show, the performers came out to answer questions and showed us some of the puppets they used!

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