Friday, September 19, 2014

Even Pirates Follow the Rules

We've had a busy and fun last two weeks!

Last week we finished our unit on the rules of the school.  To wrap up everything we learned, we made videos to show the rules in the different locations in our school!

The first graders did all the writing, acting, and videography!
(Click on PLAYLIST in the top left corner of the video to choose a different rule video.)

We've been studying one of our favorite authors and illustrators, David Shannon!

We read so many of his books, and we loved them all!  We illustrated our favorite David Shannon character using the same tools he does: pens & paints!

You can see all of our Davids, Alices, Ferguses, Camillas, and Spencers!

Today, we celebrated Talk Like a Pirate Day!  We read Melinda Long's book Pirates Don't Change Diapers, which is illustrated by David Shannon, of course!

Then we all became pirate puppets!

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