Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Grant Celebration Week part 1

I was going to wait until Friday to post all about our week... but there is just so much going on, I couldn't wait that long!

Since our beloved Grant School is closing for 2 years in order to be rebuilt, we have been celebrating the school and all our memories this week!

Monday we got to leave our handprints with Grant!  We painted our hands and put our prints throughout the hallway!  We even made a Grant School banner that we are going to take with us to our temporary school next year!  This way we will always have a part of Grant with us!

Tuesday, we left our mark on Grant with chalk!  We made pictures and wrote words all over the sidewalk in front of the building!

Then we hugged the building and sang songs!

And finally, we celebrated all our wonderful volunteers at the volunteer tea with a little song!

It has been a great week so far and I'm sure it will just keep getting better!

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