Saturday, November 8, 2014

November Fun!

We had such a busy week in 1st grade!

Monday started with our field trip to the Oldest Stone House. You can read all about our awesome field trip here.

We played a bunch of math games to review all we know about place value.  Ask us about it, we are experts!

One of the STAR block groups finished their projects all about the Titanic and presented their information to one another.

On Thursday we supported our Browns by wearing orange and brown... which we know contributed to their big win!!

Friday was a big day! We had a PIZZA PARTY for all the 1st graders that had 100% completion of their reading log for the 1st quarter.  WE LOVE READING! And we love pizza!

We also made these adorable place value turkeys! Gobble, gobble!

And celebrated Daniel's birthday!

We can't wait to see what next week will bring!  

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