Sunday, November 30, 2014

Pilgrims and Turkeys!

Last week was another super fun week in first grade!

On Monday, our guest from the Oldest Stone House was back! This time she brought a trunk full of toys and games that kids played with long ago.  She even let us play with them!  It was so awesome to see how some of their toys were similar to toys today and how some were so different!

On Tuesday, Mrs. Chanter helped us create a new movie using the green screen!  In this movie we are teaching all we know about how life long ago was different from life today.  

Later that day, the general store was finally open and we were able to spend the wampum we had been earning for our good behavior over the last couple weeks!  We each made up and wrote our own recipes for a very special turkey snack, and then we bought supplies to make our snacks from the general store!  Our snacks were all unique and delicious! We used our leftover wampum to make necklaces that we could wear home!

We had so much fun learning about life long ago and celebrating Thanksgiving!

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